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Varicocele and Male Fertility:  What You Need to Know

Fertility in men is very important when it comes to beginning a family. However, due to rapid changes and low-quality lifestyles, men are facing several issues in maintaining a healthy sexual life. This unhealthy life brings a lot of issues and challenges. Constraints on a man’s fertility may arise from a number of sources; varicocele is only one of them. This issue is hampering men’s life but with some tips and advice, prevention can be done. To prevent this issue, first, we need to get the theoretical concept of this issue and how it impacts us. In this article, we’ll explore the varicocele, its effects on male fertility, and treatment options.

Learning about Varicocele

When asked to define it, what is a varicocele? It’s kind of like varicose veins, just in a different part of the body. Veins in the scrotum (the skin pouch that contains the testicles) may become enlarged, a condition known as varicoceles. The blood supply to the testicles includes these veins. When they get to a certain size, they become problematic.

Consequences for Men’s Fertility

And now you may be thinking, “How does this affect fertility?” 

Varicoceles are problematic because they increase the risk of a rise in testicular temperature. The testicles, you know, prefer a somewhat lower core temperature, so they like to stay out in the open. However, when these veins swell to abnormal proportions, they disrupt the body’s natural temperature regulation and negatively impact sperm production.

Infertility may occur as a result of varicocele due to the increased body temperature in that region. The temperature here is too high to produce decent-quality sperm. Additionally, it reduces the circulation of blood, which supplies the testicles with oxygen and nourishment. This may cause a decrease in healthy sperm production. 

Varicocele may also interfere with sperm-making hormones. When taken together, these factors might make it more challenging for a man and his spouse to have a family. A consultation with a physician is warranted if a guy with varicocele is experiencing infertility. They may have ideas on what to do to assist.

The good news is that not all men with a varicocele will have problems becoming pregnant. It’s not consistent across the board.

Varicocele Diagnosis 

Varicoceles are often easy to see. During a routine checkup, your doctor may discover it. During checkup, they would check your walk and the health of your feet. Further, they would check the scrotum for any swelling or oedema. 

To gain a clearer picture, they may sometimes recommend a color doppler ultrasound. By doing so, they can gauge its severity and determine whether it’s affecting fertility.


Ways To Treat in Medical Care

If a varicocele is interfering with your fertility or making you uncomfortable, you have a few treatment options to think about.

Healthy Lifestyle 

If the varicocele is tiny and isn’t affecting fertility, your doctor may recommend monitoring and making some modifications to your lifestyle.

Supportive Clothing 

Wearing briefs or specialised sports supports, which raise the scrotum and relieve strain on the veins, might be helpful.


Surgical removal of a varicocele may be suggested if the condition significantly impairs quality of life or fertility. In most cases, doctors simply tie up or remove the enlarged veins to alleviate the swelling.


The enlargement of a varicocele may be reduced using a minimally invasive surgery called embolization, in which a tiny coil is placed or glue is injected  into the varicocele to stop blood flow.

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

With In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), sperm is collected and fertilization takes place outside the body if previous methods fail or if there are other reproductive difficulties.

Varicocele treatment

Living with Varicocele

Having a varicocele is not indicative of who you are as a person and should in no way discourage you from starting a family. Varicocele sufferers are not prevented from becoming fathers, though.

Another factor that might have a significant impact is sticking to a healthy routine. In addition to promoting general health and fertility, a healthy diet, regular exercise, and abstinence from tobacco and alcohol use are also strongly recommended.


Keep in mind that just because you have a varicocele, your reproductive quest is not over. Your doctor can help you and your spouse go through the many treatment choices for this disease.

Don’t put off seeing a doctor if you have reproductive issues or think you could have a varicocele. They’re there to assist you every step of the way as you prepare to become a parent. Keep in mind that you have support and help at your disposal on your trip.

Varicocele has emerged as a common issue but with early diagnosis and the right guidance you can get the best treatment. To receive the best treatment, you can head to Flowcare and seek guidance from Dr. Rajendra Bansal who is Rajasthan’s well-known Interventional Radiologists with the experience of more than 11 years.