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What are the uterine fibroid?

Fibroids are abnormal growth of cells within the muscle layer of uterus

Why do uterine fibroids occur?

Exact cause is still unknown but female hormone specially high estrogen and low progesterone has main role in development of uterine fibroid.

What are the signs that you should consult a gynecologist?

Most common symptoms are heavy irregular periods, lower abdominal pain, Frequent urination and generalized weaknesf

Do uterine fibroids affect fertility?

If size of fibroid is large than fibroid may hamper in implantation and affects fertility.

Are fibroids are cancerous?

Usually fibroids are non-cancerous as they are considered as benign tumor still 0.3% sarcom aof uterus may mimic like fibroid at initail stage

Do uterine fibroids affect pregnancy?

Large fibroid may lead to abortion, premature delivery or cesarean section

Can i get pregnancy after UFE?

Chances of pregnancy afyer UFE is same as with myomectomy as it preserves normal muscle layer.

Are there other treatments besides medication and surgery?

Apart form surgery and medication, minimally invasive pin hole treatments like uterine fibroid embolization, microwave ablation and HIFU are available

What should I eat if I have uterine fibroids?

Diet rich in antioxident and whole grain food will help to decrese the growth of uterine fibroids

Can uterine fibroids go on their own?

Small fibroid may go on their own if cause is due to hormone imbalance once it gets corrected

What is the cost of uterine fibroid embolization treatment?

Embolization cost depends on multiple factors like size,number and location of fibroid; hospital infrastructure and operator expertise. Average cost in tier 2 city is around 100-140k

How common are uterine fibroids?

Uterine fibroids are quite common; up to 70-80% of women may develop them by age 50.

How do fibroids affect fertility?

Fibroids can impact fertility by altering the shape of the uterus, blocking fallopian tubes, or interfering with implantation. However, many women with fibroids can still conceive.

Can lifestyle changes or diet help manage fibroid symptoms?

While lifestyle changes alone cannot cure fibroids, a healthy diet and regular exercise may help manage symptoms and overall health.

What exactly happens during the UFE procedure?

During UFE, a catheter is inserted into a blood vessel (usually in the groin) and guided to the uterine arteries. Small particles are injected to block blood flow to the fibroids, causing them to shrink.

What type of anesthesia is used during UFE?

UFE is usually performed under conscious sedation, which keeps you relaxed but awake. Sometimes general anesthesia may be used.

Will I feel pain during or after the procedure?

During the procedure, you may feel some discomfort, but pain is generally managed with sedation. Afterward, you may experience cramping or pain similar to menstrual cramps.

How common are complications following UFE?

Complications are relatively rare, occurring in less than 5% of cases. Most patients experience only mild to moderate side effects.

Will I need follow-up procedures or treatments?

Follow-up care typically includes imaging to monitor the fibroids’ response to treatment. Additional treatments are only needed if symptoms continue or new issues arise.

Will I need to take medication after the procedure?

You may be prescribed pain medication or other drugs to manage symptoms and prevent complications.

How should I plan if I want to become pregnant after UFE?

Discuss your plans with your doctor to ensure that your uterus is healthy and to understand any potential risks or precautions.

How does UFE compare to a hysterectomy?

UFE is less invasive than hysterectomy, preserving the uterus and generally allowing for quicker recovery. Hysterectomy involves more significant surgery and recovery time but is a more definitive treatment for severe cases.

How does UFE compare to myomectomy?

Myomectomy involves surgically removing fibroids while preserving the uterus, which can be more invasive and have a longer recovery compared to UFE. UFE is less invasive and involves blocking the blood supply to fibroids.

Varicose Veins

क्या आप वैरिकाज़ नसों को ठीक कर सकते हैं?

हाँ, वैरिकाज़ नसों (varicose veins) का इलाज संभव है। इसके कई इलाज उपलब्ध है जैसे स्क्लेरोथेरेपी, लेज़र, वीनासील, आर. एफ. ए.।

Early stage varicose veins symptoms

Most common symptom is heavienss in legs on prolong standing relieved by rest and as disease progress you may feel swelling ,pain and cramps in your leg.

Varicose veins in pregnancy

During pregnancy there is increase in overall venous retrun towards heart and as uterus grows it will create pressure on main vein knows as IVC leads to lot of pressure on valves leading to varicose veins.

How does the laser procedure close the vein?

Laser produce thermal energy that destoys the inner lining of vein wall and produce thrombosis.

Will insurance pay for the treatment?

Yes, varicose vein treatment are covered in insurance after 2 years of policy commencement.

What is difference between varicose and spider veins ?

Spider veins are very fine and near to skin surface while varicose are large twisted veins.

Are all varicose veins the same?

All varicos evein are not same .Varicsoe vein has different stages and all need treatment. For early varicose lifestyle modification and stockings are enough.

Are varicose veins only a problem for older women?

Varicose vein can affects any age group but as age advances severity of varicose vein increases.

What happens if I do not treat my varicose veins?

If you ignore varicose vein than it may lead to dark colored pigmentation, bleeding, blood clot formation and leg ulcer formation.

What are the complications associated with varicose veins.

Dark colored pigmentation, itching, bleeding, blood clot formation and leg ulcer formation.

Is it safe to get vein treatment while i am pregnant ?

For early stage varicose only stocking and few yoga pose are enough. For advance stage laser for varicose vein during pregmnancy is considered safe after firt trimester.

What are varicose veins?

Varicose veins are swollen, twisted veins that usually occur in the legs and feet due to weakened valves and veins.

What are the common symptoms of varicose veins?

Symptoms include aching, heaviness, swelling, and visible, bulging veins.

How are varicose veins diagnosed?

Diagnosis is typically made through a physical exam and imaging tests like ultrasound or color doppler.

What is Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA)?

RFA is a minimally invasive procedure that uses radiofrequency energy to heat and close off varicose veins.

How effective is Laser treatment?

Laser treatment is highly effective, with many patients experiencing significant improvement in symptoms and appearance.

How long does a Laser treatment session take?

Each session typically lasts 30 to 60 minutes.

Is anesthesia required for Laser and RFA treatments?

Local anesthesia is commonly used to numb the area being treated.

Are there any lifestyle changes required after treatment?

Regular exercise, avoiding long periods of standing, and maintaining a healthy weight can help prevent recurrence.

Is varicose vein treatment covered by insurance?

Many insurance plans cover the cost of varicose vein treatments, and it start after 2 years of policy ,but coverage can vary.

Will I need multiple sessions for RFA?

Most patients require only one session, but additional treatments like foam sclerotherapy might be needed in some cases.

Are there any alternative treatments for varicose veins?

Alternatives include sclerotherapy, lifestyle changes, and various surgical options.

Varicose veins hone ke kya reasons hain?

Yah veins ke valve kamjor hone ki wajah se hone wali bimari hai. Veins ke valve kamjor hone ki vajah se pairon se dushit khoon hriday tak nahi ja pata aur veins me fulawat aane lagti hai.

Laser treatment ka cost kitna hota hai?

Cost bimari ki condition,doctor ke experience, city, hospital set up par depend karta hai. EK pair ke laser ka averrgae cost 50000-1,50000 tak ho sakta hai.


What is varicocele ?

Varicocele are enlarged swollen veins within testicle due to reversal of blood flow

What are the causes of varicocele?

Most common cause are genetics, sudden heavy gyming, constipation and prolong standing or sitting.

What are the symptoms of varicocele?

Most common symptom is heavienss in scrotum on prolong standing relieved by rest and as disease progress you may feel pain in scrotum and visible veins on scrotal skin.

Why left varicocele is more common?

Left varicocele is more common due to anatomical variation as left gonadal vein has straight course and open at right angle in left renal vein while right gonadal vein opens into IVC at obtuse angle.

Which is best treatment for varicocele?

For early stage varicocele conservative measures are enough like yoga, dietry changes and scrotal support. For advance stage microvaricocelectomy and embolization are most practiced and effectiv etreartment.

Does Embolization harm kidney?

It is a myth that embolization harm kidney. It is a very simple angiopgrapic proecure and does not harm kideny at all.

Does treatment needed for Grade 1 varicocele?

For Grade 1 varicocele only conservative managemnt is enough.

Can i marry if i have varicocele?

If you have varicocele than definitely you van marry. Neglected garde 4 or 5 varicoecle leads to poor sperm quality and male infertility but completely cured after embolization.

Any diet that help in varicocele?

Diet rich in anti-oxident food remove harmful toxins from blood and help in varicocele.

Does constipation aggreavtes Varicocele?

Constipation is one of the main cause for varicocele as it create lot of positive downward pressure on varicosities in scrotum and aggrevates the condition.

Does gyming aggrevates varicocele?

Heavy gyming like deadlifts increases lower abdominal pressure and hampers the blood flow from the testice and aggrevated varicocele.

How effective is varicocele embolization?

It has a high success rate in reducing symptoms and improving fertility, with success rates often above 98%.

How long does the varicocele embolization procedure take?

The procedure typically lasts about 15 to 30 minutes for left side varicocele.

Can varicocele embolization be performed on an outpatient basis?

Yes, it’s often done on an outpatient day care basis, allowing patients to go home the same day.

What should I expect during the varicocele embolization procedure?

You will be awake and a catheter will be inserted to deliver embolic agents to the veins.

How does treating a varicocele impact fertility?

Treatment can improve sperm quality and increase the chances of conception, especially if the varicocele was affecting fertility.

Is varicocele embolization covered by insurance?

Varicocele treatment are covered Coverage varies by insurance provider and plan. Check with your insurance company for specific details.

What follow-up care is needed after varicocele embolization?

After varicocele embolization 3-12 weeks are needed for complete recovery. 2 follow -ups are needed at ineterval of 10 day and 2 months .

Can varicocele embolization be performed on both sides?

Bialteral varicocele is less common and if it is present on both sides, they can be treated simultaneously.

How does varicocele embolization compare to laparoscopic surgery?

Varicocele embolization is minimally invasive treatment with very less chance of complication and better success rate if we compare with laproscopic surgery.

Is varicocele embolization suitable for older adults?

Yes, age is not a primary contraindication, but overall health and specific conditions are considered.

Prostate Artery Embolization

What is the normal size of the prostate at the age of 60?

At the age of 60, a normal prostate size is typically around 20-25 cubic centimeters (cc). However, it’s common for the prostate to enlarge with age due to benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). An enlarged prostate at this age may exceed this range, often reaching 40 cc or more.

Can a man live with an enlarged prostate?

Yes, a man can live with an enlarged prostate. Symptoms are manageable with lifestyle changes, medications, minimally invasive procedures, or surgery. Regular medical check-ups are essential for effective management.

क्या बढ़े हुए प्रोस्टेट वापस सामान्य हो सकते हैं?

हाँ, बढ़े हुए प्रोस्टेट (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, BPH) का साइज सामान्य हो जाता है लेकिन यह साइज पर निर्भर करता है जैसे अगर साइज बॉर्डरलाइन है तो वो ट्रीटमेंट के बाद नार्मल हो जायेगा लेकिन यदि साइज बहुत ज्यादा है तो साइज काम होने लगता है और लक्षणों में सुधार होता है और स्थिति को नियंत्रित किया जा सकता है। BPH उम्र के साथ होने वाली एक सामान्य स्थिति है, जो पुरुषों में मूत्र मार्ग में समस्याएं पैदा कर सकती है।

Can exercise reduce prostate size?

Exercise does not directly reduce prostate size, but regular physical activity can help manage symptoms of an enlarged prostate. It can improve overall health, balances hormones, reduce inflammation, and support weight management, which can indirectly benefit prostate health.

How long does prostate embolization last?

The effects of prostate artery embolization (PAE) can last several years. Many patients experience significant symptom relief for 1 to 4 years, with some having longer-lasting benefits. Regular follow-ups with an interventional radiologist or doctor are important to monitor symptoms and determine if further treatment is needed.

Does PAE reduce prostate size?

Prostatic artery embolization (PAE) is a minimally invasive procedure used to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), which is an enlargement of the prostate gland (enlarged prostate). PAE works by blocking the blood supply to specific areas of the prostate, leading to a reduction in its size over time.

Does PSA decrease after a PAE?

Yes, prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels often decrease after prostate artery embolization (PAE). This reduction indicates a decrease in prostate volume and improvement in symptoms. However, the extent of the PSA decrease varies among patients. Regular monitoring of PSA levels post-procedure is essential to assess the treatment’s effectiveness.

What is the success rate of PAE?

The success rate of prostate artery embolization (PAE) varies but is generally high. Studies show that approximately 80-90% of men experience significant symptom improvement and a reduction in prostate volume within the first year after the procedure. Long-term success rates remain favorable, though follow-up is necessary to monitor for any recurrence of symptoms.

How successful is prostate artery embolization?

Prostate artery embolization (PAE) is a relatively new and minimally invasive treatment for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). The success of PAE can be assessed in terms of symptom relief, reduction in prostate size, and long-term outcomes. Overall, PAE has shown promising results in clinical studies and practice. This treatment is absolutely safe and has no side effects, so its success rate is also higher than all other surgeries.

Can prostate shrink by itself?

The prostate typically does not shrink by itself without medical intervention. Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a progressive condition, and the prostate gland usually enlarges over time.

Is a 40 cc prostate large?

A prostate volume of 40 cc (cubic centimeters) is generally considered to be moderately enlarged. The normal prostate size in younger men is about 20-25 cc. However, prostate size can increase with age, and an increase to 40 cc is not uncommon in older men, especially those over the age of 50.

What are the difference between prostate artery embolization and surgery ?

PAE is minimally invasive, involves a shorter recovery, and has fewer risks but less long-term data. Surgery (e.g., TURP) is more invasive, involves longer recovery and hospital stay, but is often used for severe cases with proven long-term results.

What is the safest prostate procedure for enlarged prostate ?

The safest prostate procedure for an enlarged prostate is Prostatic Artery Embolization (PAE) because its reduces prostate size by blocking blood flow to the prostate. Generally well-tolerated with a lower risk of side effects if we compare with most practised TURP procedure.

Can an enlarged prostate go back to normal?

An enlarged prostate, medically known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), typically does not return to its original size completely. However, its symptoms can be managed effectively, and the condition can be controlled. BPH is a common condition as men ages, leading to urinary problems.

Does enlarged prostate always symptomatic?

Prostate is a gland around a tube called urethra thats ejects urine out from the urinary bladder. Size of the prostate does increase with age and if it puts pressure on the urethra than leads to problem called lower urinary tract symptom.It means enlarged prostate is not symptomatic always.