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The Role of Laser Therapy in Varicose Vein Treatment: A Game-Changer for Patients

Millions of individuals worldwide suffer from varicose veins. This causes enlarged, and twisted veins that are painful and create discomfort. Further, this issue could also impact the leg’s appearance, which makes many people feel self-conscious and lowers their quality of life. Thankfully, innovation in the sector of medical has resulted in the introduction of laser therapy. This is a minimally invasive alternative that has completely changed the way varicose veins are treated. Today throughout this article, we will discuss the use of laser therapy in treating varicose veins and how it has changed patients’ lives.

Understanding Varicose Veins

It is significant to understand the varicose veins and their causes before pursuing laser treatment. This issue occurs when vein valves malfunction, and blood pools in the veins. Due to the same reason, it causes veins to expand and twist, leading to varicose veins. This can cause various issues such as soreness, swelling, heaviness, and cramping, especially after extended durations of sitting or standing, Even while varicose veins are frequently seen as a cosmetic issue if left untreated, they can lead to more significant consequences like blood clots, ulcers on the skin, and deep vein thrombosis.

Traditional Treatment Approaches

In the past, treating varicose veins required invasive surgical techniques like vein ligation and vein stripping. These treatment options come with a lengthy recovery period and general anaesthetic requirements. These operations have a risk of complications, considerable pain, and scarring, even if they can be beneficial in certain circumstances. Because of this, a lot of people have been hesitant to get these traditional treatments. Due to immense discomfort and pain, people choose to put up with the discomfort and vanity issues brought on by their varicose veins rather than having surgery.

But to eliminate the issues that patients with varicose veins face, laser therapy has emerged as an absolute solution. 

Laser Therapy: A Minimally Invasive Alternative

For the treatment of varicose veins, laser therapy—also referred to as endovenous laser ablation (EVLA) or endovenous laser treatment (EVLT)—has become a popular minimally invasive substitute for conventional surgical methods. Using laser energy, this novel method targets and seals off damaged veins, rerouting blood flow to surrounding healthy veins. In contrast to surgery, laser therapy can be done as an outpatient procedure under local anaesthesia, enabling patients to go home the same day and quickly get back to their regular lives.

How Laser Therapy Works

During laser therapy, a little skin incision is made, usually close to the knee or ankle, and a thin laser fibre is placed into the afflicted vein. After positioning itself, the laser is turned on, causing the vein’s inner lining to receive regulated heat energy. As a result, the vein collapses and seals shut, thereby blocking the malfunctioning valve and directing blood flow to healthy veins. Smoother, cleaner skin is left behind as the treated vein eventually disappears from view as it is absorbed by the body.

Benefits of Laser Therapy

No wonder with the introduction of laser therapy, the options for treating varicose veins have changed. This treatment option offers several benefits over traditional surgical methods which are discussed here:


Minimally Invasive: The major benefits of laser therapy just requires a little incision and doesn’t require general anaesthesia. Therefore, it means that patients recover more quickly and with less damage to surrounding tissues.

Accuracy & Precision: Laser energy may be carefully directed onto the vein that is afflicted. It limits harm to surrounding tissues and lowers the possibility of problems like scarring or nerve injury.

Safety and Effectiveness: Several clinical trials have proved that laser treatment is both safe and efficacious in treating varicose veins. Patients have reported high success rates and low recurrence rates with lower severity of pain.

Minimal discomfort: Laser treatment patients usually feel very little discomfort and pain during the process. During the course of treatment, they may just need to use over-the-counter pain medication to relieve any minor discomfort that remains afterwards.

Cosmetic Appearance: Laser therapy not only successfully reduces pain and swelling but also makes varicose veins seem better, giving patients their confidence and self-worth back.


In a nutshell, laser therapy has revolutionised the treatment of varicose veins by providing patients with a less invasive, safe, and effective substitute for conventional surgical methods. The factors that made it impactful are its accuracy, precision, and low pain. Thus, laser treatment has completely changed the way varicose veins are treated. It enables patients to experience fewer symptoms and a better quality of life. With the evolution of technology, laser therapy is expected to become a more significant treatment option for varicose veins. It is successfully offering hope and comfort to millions of people afflicted by this condition.

If you are the one who is suffering from the condition of varicose veins then contact Dr Rajendra Bansal, an exceptionally experienced interventional radiologist (IR) in Jaipur.