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Uterine Fibroid Embolisation Procedure in Jaipur: Your Guide 

Uterine fibroid refers to an uncommon non-cancerous growth that occurs in a woman’s uterus. With time, this growth can become large which causes pain and other health issues. The major health issues caused by the uterine fibroid include abdominal pain as well as heavy menstrual bleeding. However, not every woman with uterine fibroids needs to face these issues. The majority of women faced this issue in their late 30s due to several changes that occured in their bodies. 

With modern technology, there are multiple options available for the treatment from simple medication to surgery. Among all, Uterine Fibroid Embolisation is considered the best approach. And today we will discuss this fibroids treatment in Jaipur throughout the post. 

Symptoms of Uterine Fibroids

Before considering treatment, let’s talk about the symptoms of uterine fibroids. Symptoms can vary as the occurrence of symptoms depends on the size, location, and number. Here are the number of symptoms that women with uterine fibroids could face:

  • Heavy bleeding during periods 
  • Longer periods that could be up to more than 7 days or more 
  • Pressure on the pelvic area or severe pain
  • Frequent urination 
  • Back pain frequently 
  • Constipation issue 

If you are facing any or more than one issue then it is advisable to see or consult a healthcare professional. There are various treatments available for this issue from medication to surgery. However, before picking a surgery option, take advice from an expert and experienced radiologist like Dr Rajendra Bansal who is a well-known interventional radiologist in Jaipur. 

Treatment of Uterine Fibroid 

There are several treatments available for the uterine fibroid from surgical to non-surgical options. Here are the available treatment options for uterine fibroids

Medications or Non-surgical options 

  • To treat uterine fibroid, your doctor would prescribe you birth control pills to manage symptoms like menstrual cramps, pain and bleeding. 
  • Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) promoters are occasionally administered before surgery to help the temporary shrinkage of fibroids.

Surgical Options 

Picking a surgical option depends upon the size and location of the growth. Further, age and future also play a significant role in determining which treatment option is better like whether the women want to conceive or not in future. 

There are two options available when it comes to surgical treatment for uterine fibroids:

Myomectomy surgery: A myomectomy is a surgical treatment that allows the uterus to be intact while fibroids are removed. Despite the effective results, this method has its own drawbacks like it is not suitable for every woman.

Hysteroscopy: Under this method, the doctor inserts a slender-shaped flexible device to access the uterus. The uterus is removed during this procedure, giving fibroids a long-term cure. Many women do not choose this method due to its complexity and future care. 

Minimal invasive treatments  

Uterine Fibroid Embolization

Apart from surgical treatments, UAE ( Uterine Fibroid Embolization) is considered the best minimally invasive approach for uterine fibroids. Let’s explore the Uterine Fibroid Embolization treatment:

This is a minimally invasive process where therapy is performed via the guidance from the real-time x-ray. This is a modern technology that causes minimum discomfort and protects the uterus. Under this technique, a tiny tube known as a catheter is inserted from the groin area by an interventional radiologist. Interventional radiologists took imaging guidance from X-rays to perform uterine angiography and confirm the presence of a fibroid. Once the fibroid’s blood supply has been established, the embolic agent known as PVA particles or embosphere will be injected to stop the fibroid’s blood supply. Fibroid shrinkage occurs over time, and you will no longer have symptoms. This is a very successful, painless therapy for uterine fibroids. 

A patient who opts for this treatment can be discharged from the hospital within 24 hours and can resume their daily life in 2 days. 

Eligibility To Opt for UAE

You can opt for this treatment option if you have passed these criteria:

  • You are not pregnant
  • Of above age 25 years 
  • You are facing severe symptoms like heavy bleeding and pain 

Why Opt For The UAE 

Due to the multiple advantages of UAE, people opt for it such as:

  • Perform with local anaesthesia 
  • Required less recovery time 
  • No surgical procedure or side effects 
  • No or minimum bleeding

Why Pick Flowcare for UAE Treatment 

With medical advancement, the minimally invasive technique has evolved as the most appropriate approach for women. With the fast recovery time, this allows patients to perform their daily routine in 2-3 days. 

At Flowcare, you will get the best services under the supervision of Dr. Rajedra Bansal. He is an expert interventional radiologist in Rajasthan with more than 13 years of experience. With his expertise in the field, you do not need to go through any painful treatment for the uterine fibroid. Hence, visit Flowcare clinic for the best Uterine Fibroid Embolization procedure in Jaipur