What happens if Varicose Veins/Varicosities left Untreated?
Varicose veins/Varicosities are twisted, enlarged veins often found in the lower legs. These veins are dark purple or bluish in color and are not always painful. But what happens if these veins are left untreated?
Leaving varicose veins untreated can lead to a slew of medical problems. Generally, a patient suffering from varicose veins found symptoms such as itchiness, fatigue, pain and uncomfortable legs along with the swelling in the skin.
Mostly, these problems only get worse if the person doesn’t consult varicose veins specialists. Some of these problems are:
1. Swelling in the legs:
As pressure increases in the veins, fluid from the blood can pool into the nearby tissues which can turn into swelling. The swelling can gradually increase by which probably your shoes will not fit easily. The symptoms can be improve by using compression stockings.
2. Skin Ulcers:
The swelling can also result in skin problems such as skin ulcers. In this, the skin lost its ability to heal quickly from the small injuries. This is because the swollen tissue limits the flow of the nutrients and oxygen to the involved tissue. These tissues used to act as aids in the case of any injury earlier. Along with this, if the tension on the tissues persists constantly then it can prevent healing as well i.e. develop non-healing ulcers.
3. Skin infection:
When the tissues are affected due to swelling, it also affects the body’s resistance to certain infections. The bacteria which is present on the body’s skin can get into the body, which can result in an infection called cellulitis.
4. Bleeding:
Since the varicose vein has more than a normal amount of the blood, so in the case this vein gets hurt or cut, it can result in a significant amount of the bleeding.
5. DVT:
Deep Vein Thrombosis, is a medical condition that requires immediate medical treatment. In this, the legs can be swollen, warm, red and also painful. Blood clots get develop in the deeper clots in deep vein thrombosis.
Dr. Rajendra Bansal at flowcare, is a specialist in treating the varicose veins/Varicosities. If you are looking for the best treatment of Varicose veins in Jaipur, then you can consult them for the most advanced Varicose Veins Treatment.